It’s that time of year where Star Year (SY) 2025 draws to a close and all plans can begin to exhale from the continuous focus of HEDIS©, CAHPS and TTY/FLI seasons. Plans must make sure they don’t lose sight of the following closeout activities as you are continuously forecasting your final SY2025 performance.
Closeout activities:
At this point in the year, we are also approaching the mid-way point for SY2026 and this year becomes more critical as member experience weighting shifts from a 4x to a 2x. Plans must ensure that they are organized, have their strategy in place and keep a pulse check on major changes from the last Star Year.
Having a year-round CAHPS strategy to consistently focus on member experience and engagement is essential. It’s critical to utilize the feedback from the SY2025 CAHPS survey to inform additional strategies and improved messaging to members.
With the Star Year ending, it’s imperative you aren’t waiting to see results from HEDIS© and CAHPS to build the next levels of your strategic plan. If you are struggling to gain leadership buy-in or develop the right strategy to improve Stars delivery to meet your organizational goals – we are here to help.
At ProspHire, we continue to partner with health plans, to offer insights, analyze and execute strategies to improve Star ratings. Do you need support developing the right SY2026 execution strategy? Let’s have a conversation.
*NOTE: HEDIS© is a set of standardized performance measures developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
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