Did you know… June 18th is Wear Blue Day?
Wear BLUE for Men’s Health! Whether it’s your friend, brother, dad, boyfriend, spouse, or boss, show them you care about them and their health by wearing blue on Friday, June 18th. This day raises awareness of making healthy lifestyle choices, making regular annual visits to the doctor, and getting educated on prevalent health conditions that predominately affect men.
Why is Wear Blue Day important?
Wear Blue Day is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health and to promote and support the health and well-being of men and boys in our communities.
It was created by the Men’s Health Network, a non-profit organization focused on educating people on men’s health conditions, preventative measures, and healthy habits. The color represents the conditions that primarily affect men, such as testicular cancer, stroke, lung cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, and other illnesses that arise within the male population.
Show your support, by wearing blue, and displaying the #ShowUsYourBlue on social media platforms.
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