Medicare Stars – SY2024 Cut Point Analysis

Andrew Bell

Senior Manager

Let’s have a conversation


Medicare's Plan Preview Period #2 data is available for Health Plans to review in HPMS. Our Medicare Stars Practice Team has been crunching the numbers to see how cut points moved from year to year. 

The below images walk you through an in-depth analysis across each Stars domain—HEDIS, HOS, CAHPS, Pharmacy, Administrative—to showcase the individual measure cut point movement across each Star level. The cut points displayed in this analysis are from the draft 2024 Technical Notes from CMS. The finalized 2024 Technical Notes will be released with the remaining public data in early October. The bottom line is that Tukey impacts are real. We observed many dramatic cut point changes at the 2- and 3- Star levels across all measure sets. The compression of cut points was stark and only puts greater pressure on Stars Programs to achieve optimal performance in their Star measures. 

We can’t wait for the public data release in early October. At that point we’ll dig into the data and get a real picture of just how dramatic of a role that Tukey Outlier Deletion played on the industry.

If you have any questions about the analysis below or larger questions about how to best achieve and sustain 4.0+ Star performance, connect with our experts today.

HEDIS Cut Point Analysis

Pharmacy Cut Point Analysis

Administrative Cut Point Analysis

HOS Cut Point Analysis

CAHPS Cut Point Analysis